
(a) waistcoat, N Am: vest; (b) g. de sauvetage, life jacket; g. d’armes, fenching jacket; (c) g. (de corps, de peau de dessous), vest, singlet, N Am: undershirt; (d) (woman’s) cardigan. – Harrap’s New Collegiate French and English Dictionary

Oh, so that’s what gilet means in English. I translated the instructions but neglected to translate the title.

gilet lace: front pieces Yep, this one is turning out to be a quick one. The most challenging aspects have been acquiring the yarn, translating the pattern and dealing with the messy half used yarn balls.

Figuring out how to cross two stitches was a bit tricky. While I understood the word-for-word translation of this stitch, I wasn’t familiar with the technique. Here’s how I ended up working these stitches after referring to several English knitting books.

Crossing Stitches

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2 maille croisées à droite / cross 2 stitches right –

Knit into the second stitch on the left needle but don’t slip it off the left needle.

Right Cross: Knit into second stitch.Right Cross: Knit into second stitch.

Knit into the first stitch on the left needle and then let both stitches slip off the left needle. In the photo on the bottom right, the two stitches on the left needle will be dropped off.

Right Cross: Knit into first stitch.Right Cross: Knit into first stitch.

2 maille croisées à gauche / cross 2 stitches left –

Knit into the back loop of the second stitch on the left needle but don’t slip it off the left needle.

Left Cross: Knit into back loop of second stitchLeft Cross: Knit into back loop of second stitchLeft Cross: Knit into back loop of second stitch

Knit into the back loop of the first stitch on the left needle and then let both stitches slip off the left needle. In the photo on the bottom right, the two stitches on the left needle will be dropped off.

Left Cross: Knit into back loop of first stitch.Left Cross: Knit into back loop of first stitch.

3 thoughts on “Gilet

  1. Hi, browsed onto your site.
    I am in the process of translating the instructiobs for this cardi.
    Could you clarify the maille a gauche.My undersstanding was that the first stitch on left needle was knit normally ie through front loop


  2. Hi Bee,
    Good question.
    When I started this sweater I wasn’t sure how the French do this stitch since I had never come across it before. I looked through several American sources and each had different instructions on how to cross stitches. I ended up following a description on page 294 from “Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework”.
    I just tried doing it they way you mentioned and found that the stitch looks the same either way. So, I think it can be done it either way.
    I just found this web site in French that describes doing it the way you mentioned.
    Thanks for bring it up.


  3. Thanks for responding.
    I thought I might have fluffed the instructions.Ilook forward to seeing your complete Cardi.
    Love your site/work by the way.


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