
The Weaving Works hosted a Spin-In last Saturday. Approximately 30 people appeared through out the day with a variety of wheels and handspindles. Our equipment was arranged in a large circle so we could chat while spinning.

There were quite a variety of fibers being spun. One brave novice learned how to use a spindle for the first time while spinning soy silk. I stuck to practicing with some dark purple (not black as the picture shows) merino which will be used to learn Navajo Plying in a class on Wednesday night. Here it is on the lazy kate, although I noticed that I put the pegs in backwards.

Lazy Kate

It’s too bad that I forgot my camera although Terri did remember her camera and promised to post some pictures on her blog.

Shirley said that the next Spin-In is scheduled for October 9th. Besides getting a chance to meet and compare spinning techniques and advice with other spinners, it’s a good excuse to pickup spinning supplies since all spinning related items are discounted 10%.

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