Wool buzzards

I tried laying out that multi-color roving but the buzzards quickly started picking at it like it was cotton candy.

Here’s a picture of them attacking my Kauni yarn.

Yarn attack

Wool is like catnip to them. When I’m knitting Mittens (on the left) is vigilant in monitoring the situation, looking for any opportunity to swipe any unattended yarn balls. Sophie (on the right) is not so bad with yarn but is easily influenced by her sister’s bad behavior.

This week more Kauni arrived so I’ll start on Ruth’s cardigan as soon as I finish the last few details on Roscalie.

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been talking about matching up the shoulder seams without any photos to illustrate the problem. The following picture should help clarify things. It shows where I placed the shoulder seam (new) and where the pattern indicates they should be (old).

shoulder seams

Before I’ll officially call it finished I need to weave in the ends, dress it on the woolly board and take a picture of me wearing it.

Before dressing

Although no one would notice, there’s one more correction adjustment that I made to the pattern.

Notice the bands around the arm, neck and lower body that appear to mimic the blue/yellow 5 row peerie border in the body of the sweater? This peerie pattern is translated into garter stitch by repeating each color sequence twice; first with a knit round and then with a purl round. This means that the total number of rounds for each garter stitch border would be 10 rounds, right? But that’s not what the pattern says. One of the solid blue rows has only one knit round making a total of 9 rounds. I have no idea why. To me it doesn’t make sense.

What’s wrong with that you might ask? Look at the band around the neck. The pattern says to pick up stitches around the neck and on the next round start the pattern with yellow and blue. I did it and it looked odd not to have a buffer of solid color between the neck edge and the border pattern. So rectify the problem, I added a round of solid blue purl stitches before finishing the remaining 8 rounds.  It’s a small detail but heck, if I’m spending all this time to knit my own vest, I want it done right.

Of course when I start having doubts about the written pattern I tend to look more closely at the picture on the pattern card. On this one I noticed a few things.

  1. The picture has been touched up with an artistic brush stroke which kind of blurs the photo.
  2. The borders around the arms have an additional round of blue purl stitches while the neck doesn’t.
  3. The first XOX pattern (from the shoulder) is slightly different than what’s on the chart in the pattern.

Ok, I’ll admit it. I’ve spent way to much time picking apart this vest.

7 thoughts on “Wool buzzards

  1. Sorry for laughing but I do sometimes pick apart her patterns too. Just wait till you get to the ones where she tells you center the pattern halfway through the body! And these are “old” ones.
    After all that, it looks gorgeous! I enjoyed following along.


  2. Your Roscalie vest looks so good!
    But, time to move one! That new yarn looks so exciting to work on!
    I am looking forward to watching your progress, like I enjoyed your progression on the vest and your attention to details.
    No use putting time into something you are not satisfied with in the end.
    I really admire your kniting skills and choice in colours.


  3. Roscalie looks awesome! I can appreciate your attention to details. That is why I love reading your blog. I’m attentive to details but you are VERY attentive to details and you are going to love wearing Roscalie. You did a fabulous job! Will I see it this coming Saturday?
    Regarding the Kauni cardi. I’m excited to see your progress. My progress is…I’m not sure I’m like how the colors are lining up – I’ll just keep going and see. I may rip out and re-adjust the color sequencing a bit. It will be an adventure!


  4. Okay, I can see where you made the shoulder adjustment, and it looks great.
    I have noticed that as well, that pictures and instructions are two different things.
    You did a great job.


  5. It looks wonderful, and your attention to every detail shows in the completed work.
    And here I thought I was the only one with the truly “bad kitty” who takes every opportunity to steal yarn…


  6. Today the little goof-balls tore open the bag of painted roving! It doesn’t look like the ate too much. Neither would confess to doing the dirty deed but I suspect Mittens did it.


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