More lace, more green

Smoke_ring_lace This week I’ve been working on this Smoke Ring with Lace Edging pattern designed by Jackie E-S of Heartstrings Fiberarts. I didn’t want to go out and buy more yarn so I salvaged some from a scarf that I started last year but never got around to finishing.

As I knit this smoke ring I keep wondering what got into me when I purchased this yarn. While it is the softest I’ve ever found (a blend of merino/cashmere/silk), the color is not all the inspiring. In fact it reminds me of the swatches in Vogue’s Knitting Stitchionary book.

After the lacy middle part is finished, I’ll be knitting another three inches of stockinette stitch and then the pattern calls for a decorative edge. I was having a bit of trouble figuring out the instructions for this edge, but after tinkering a bit, I think I’ve got it.

While the pattern describes the bound off edge as being worked in rows it doesn’t mention that these are very short rows of only two stitches. Basically, you knit a couple of stitches turn and then decrease. Each decrease picks up a stitch from the left needle until there are none left.

Knitting_around_the_worldI’m still in research mode this week and have been spending time at libraries and used bookstores chasing down old knitting books.

Last week I ran across this book at a local used bookstore.  Apparently
Threads magazine use to offer articles on knitting by the leading
experts of the day. This book is a collection of reprinted articles that cover several knitting techniques from all over the world, including twined knitting. Several articles are devoted to Scottish knitting and are written by Alice Starmore. I feel pretty lucky to have picked it up for only $8.

7 thoughts on “More lace, more green

  1. The smoke ring is gorgeous; I even like the color. (I have green eyes, and I recently found, after almost 37 years of ignorance, that green around my face is very flattering. Who knew?) And the yarn sounds wonderful.


  2. That’s a great book – I managed to get my copy at the cover price, and I love it. Jackie E-S is fantastic about pattern support. If you have any questions about anything, email her. I made one in that pattern and although the instructions didn’t make too much sense, on the needles it worked out just fine, as you said.


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