Trying hard to keep up

RaglanpatternI’ve bypassed the dolman project in favor of getting the raglan homework done for our next class (in a couple of weeks). I thought about adding a fancy cable down the center but since I never seem to have much time lately I decided to go with an very easy stitch pattern.

Row1: *knit 2,purl 1* repeat at *
Row2: purl all stitches

We only need to knit it to the underarm. In class we’ll learn how to calculate decreases for the shoulder and sleeves.

Interesting pattern drawing, isn’t it? Body and sleeve drawn on the same sheet of paper. I remember Jean saying it’s one of the most difficult ones we’ll do this year.

On another note, the half-marathon is next week! I’m ready and can’t wait to get it over with so I can take a break from training.

6 thoughts on “Trying hard to keep up

  1. Good luck in the half marathon! I will be thinking about you. I have to do the same thing with the dolman. I have so many stitches on the needle, it feels like an afghan! Will start the raglan Thursday….same stitch pattern and no time to do anything else!


  2. Have a good race. It should be a great antidote to Thanksgiving eating. I went with stockinette and short sleeves on the dolman, and am now working on the raglan. Fancy aran center panel of 24 st, and the rest in a 4×1 rib. I still have the other half to do. Plus Christmas knitting – hats mostly.


  3. So, are you doing the same race as Karen Alfke? Whichever one it is, good luck.
    I’ve contemplated that stitch pattern a few times but never actually used it. I look forward to seeing how it looks in your sweater.


  4. I feel your frustration – lots of knitting homework! I don’t have the excuse of enough time or training for 1/2 marathon! I’m just the fickle knitter, I want to do anything BUT homework.
    My dolman…let me just say it just seems to go on forever. I agree with Candace, it feels like an afghan at this point!
    Maybe I’ll see you Sunday at some point in the race – cheering you on as you run by!
    I know you Melinda. Anything you take on you are successful at!! I’ll bet you’ll feel such a feeling of accomplishment at the end of the race. Next? Nihon marathon, huh? 🙂


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